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Intermediate Senior Health and Physical Education

OPHEA Databases

To access OPHEA resources, please follow the directions on THIS PAGE

Health and Physical Education Curriculum Resources: Grade 1-8
Supports implementation of Ontario's 2015 H&PE curriculum through: 1000+ downloadable and searchable lesson plans addressing all 2015 Ontario H&PE curriculum expectations, student materials, planning schedules, and writable assessment tools, as well as links to supplemental resources.
The English version can be found here.
The French version can be found here.

Health and Physical Education Curriculum Resources: Grade 9-12
OPHEA;s Health and Physical Education Secondary Resources support teachers in helping students acquire the physical and health literacy skills needed to thrive in the 21st century and lead a healthy, active life. 
The English version can be found here.
The French version can be found here.

Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines
The Safety Standards outline safe practices for activities in order to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries. They represent the minimum standards for risk management practice for physical education, physical activities and sports within Ontario school boards.