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Cambridge History of Latin American Literature
REF PQ7081.A1C35 1996
Cambridge History of Latin American Women's Literature
Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature
REF PQ7081.A1E53 1997t
Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003
Latin American Literature and its Times
REF PQ7081.M625 1999
Cambridge History of Latin America (via Cambridge Histories Online)
In print, call numbers vary - some copies are temporarily shelved on reserve
Companion to Latin American History
Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture
REF F1754 .E53 2003
Oxford History of Mexico
F1226 .O94 2000
Companion to Latin American Studies
REF F414.C65t 2003
Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies
HT1521.C65 2002t
Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics
REF F1410.E56 2002
Political Parties of the Americas, 1980s to 1990s: Canada, Latin America, West Indies
REF JL195.P63 1992
Revolutionary and Dissident Movements
REF JC328.3.D433 1988