Area Handbook Series (U.S.)
This series of country handbooks can be found beginning with the call number US1 DI6. The titles and individual call numbers in the series can be found in Omni. Search "Area Handbook Series" as a phrase and browse alphabetically by country.
Demographic Yearbook (United Nations)
DOCS UN4 ESA100 D29 from 1948- (latest at DOCS REF)
The Demographic Yearbook is an international source of statistics that contains basic statistical data for over 200 countries or areas to meet the needs of demographers, economists, public-health workers and sociologists, among others. It presents general tables giving a world summary of basic demographic statistics, followed by tables on the size, distribution and trends in population, fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce, international migration and population census data.
Development, Trade and the WTO: A Handbook
DOCS UN9 WB 2002D27 2002 (with CD-ROMs)
This handbook offers guidance on the design of trade policy reform, surveys key disciplines and the functioning of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and discusses numerous issues and options that confront developing countries in using international cooperation to improve domestic policy and obtain access to export markets.
Education and Knowledge: Basic Pillars of Changing Production Patterns with Social Equity
DOCS UN3 ECL4 92B033 1992
Document of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and UNESCO. Reincorporates the centrality of knowledge and education for development. The aim of the proposed strategy is to create within the coming decade certain conditions with regard to education, training and the incorporation of scientific and technological progress which will make possible the transformation of the production patterns of the region against a background of growing social equity.
Gender, Innovation and Education in Latin America
DOCS UN9 ET45 99G23 1999
This book examines the theoretical framework and social contexts of women's non-formal education in Latin America. It documents, in the words of women educators in the region, the varied political and social contexts which have given rise to innovative experiences in the educational sector: the legacy of the civil wars of Central America, the exclusion experienced by indigenous communities, gender violence, and the daily struggle for survival in societies where female headed households reflect the feminization of poverty levels.
Human Development Report
Online from 1990-
DOCS REF UN1 DP H72 from 1990-
The Human Development Report is an independent publication commissioned by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). The reports, published annually, contain thought provoking analyses of major issues, updated Human Development Indicators that compare the relative levels of human development of over 175 countries, and agendas to help transform development priorities. Focus varies from year to year, with some recent examples of titles being: Deepening democracy in a fragmenting world, Making new technologies work for human development and Human rights and human development.
Latin American Newsletters
Online from 1967-
Restricted to one user. A major source of information on political and economic developments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Content is prepared for and targeted to business investors, government officials and the academic community.
Social Indicators of Development
DOCS UN9 WB S54 (1987, 1989 - 1996; 1996 on DOCS REF)
"Social Indicators of Development" contains the World Bank's most detailed data collection for assessing human welfare to provide a picture of the social effects of economic development. Data are presented for over 170 economies, omitting only those for which data are inadequate. Emphasis in this publication is on country-by-country review. Up to 94 indicators are reported for each country including: size, growth, and structure of population; determinants of population growth (including data on fertility and infant mortality); labor force; education and illiteracy; natural resources; income and poverty; expenditure on food, housing, fuel and power, transport and communication; and investment in medical care and education.
Statistical Abstract of Latin America
REF HA931 .C15 2002 (vol. 38). 1961 - 2001 (vol. 37) in Stauffer Books
Extensive statistical resource on the societies, economies and politics of Latin America. Data from 250 national and international sources, with the present volume containing the most current data available as of October 2001. Statistics are presented in time series showing several years or decades whenever possible. Divided into ten parts (with subsections) including: Geography, Land and Environment; Population, Health and Education; Politics, Religion and Military; Foreign Trade; and National Accounts, Government Policy & Finance and Prices.
Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean
DOCS REF UN3 ECL S79 (1964 - 2002)
The 2001 edition of the Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean contains a selection, updated to the end of December, of the main statistical series available on economic and social trends in the countries of the region. Part One (Indicators of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean) consists of derived social and economic indicators (growth rates, ratios or coefficients), which provide an overview of each area of interest. Part Two (Statistical series for Latin America and the Caribbean) provides historical series in absolute figures that can be used for a large variety of purposes. The majority of the statistical tables provide figures on a single topic, organized in such a way as to facilitate comparisons among countries as well as between individual countries and regional totals or averages.
Trends in Developing Economies
DOCS REF UN9 WB T62 (1991, 1994 - 96: ceased publication)
Trends in Developing Economies (TIDE) provides brief reports on most of the World Bank's borrowing countries. This compendium of individual country economic trends complements the World Bank's World Development Report, which looks at major global and regional economic trends and their implications for the future prospects of the developing economies. The text is descriptive, and tables of economic indicators follow each country text.
UN Statistical Yearbook
DOCS UN4 ESA100 S79 (1948-1999; (1999) at DOCS REF)
A comprehensive compendium of vital internationally comparable data for the analysis of socio-economic development at the world, regional and national levels. The Yearbook provides data on the world economy, its structure, major trends and current performance, as well as on issues such as population and social statistics, economic activity and international economic relations.
World Bank Atlas
DOCS UN9 WB A87 (1966-1981, 1983, 1985- (Latest (2002) on DOCS REF)
The World Bank Atlas 2002 provides easy-to-read colorful world maps, tables, and graphs highlighting key social, economic, and environmental data for 206 countries. The Atlas parallels the six thematic sections of the World Development Indicators: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links.
World Bank Country Study Series
This series of country studies put out by the World Bank begins with the call number UN9 WB5. The titles and individual call numbers in the series can be located in Omni. Search "World Bank Country Study" as phrase and browse alphabetically.
World Development Indicators
Online from 1960 to 1-2 years ago
DOCS UN9 WB W55 from 1997- (Latest at DOCS REF)
The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. Organized in six sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links.
World Development Reports
Online from 1992-
DOCS UN9 WB W52 from 1978- (latest at DOCS REF)
The World Bank's annual World Development Report (WDR) is an invaluable guide to the economic, social and environmental state of the world today. Each year the WDR provides in depth analysis of a specific aspect of development. Past reports have considered such topics as the role of the state, transition economies, labor, infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty. The reports are the Bank's best-known contribution to thinking about development.
World Resources: Guide to the Global Environment
US6 WRI W56 from 1987- (DOCS Compact Shelving - latest at DOCS REF)
The eighth biennial issue of the most authoritative report on the global environment brings together in a highly readable format the latest ideas on a broad spectrum of natural resource issues and suggests strategies for addressing them. World Resources 1998-99 focuses on the critical issue of environmental change and human health. World Resources 1998-99 also looks at the current state of the environment as it relates to population and human well-being, consumption and waste, and resources at risk. The book also contains the latest core country data from 157 countries and new information on poverty, inequality, and food security.
In addition to the above listed resources, the Government Documents Country Information page provides some additional avenues of research on individual countries.