Surviving and Thriving by Maria Carty
Classroom organization and management are essential elements of strong teaching and meaningful learning. A thoughtfully organized classroom with effective and well-established routines and procedures helps to create an environment that promotes and encourages learning. This handy book helps teachers envision such a classroom. Surviving and Thriving provides practical tips that teachers can put into action before, during, and after the learning. Before Class: What routines and procedures do teachers need to consider before students arrive in the classroom each year and each day? Routines, Time and Planning, Physical Space, Materials During Class: How will students and teachers function during class time as they interact with each other and with the learning situation? Grouping, Transitions, Refocusing, Encouraging Discussion, Reporting Out, Checking Understanding, Documenting Learning After Class: What can the teacher do after the students leave to ensure the smooth transition from one day to the next? Record-keeping
Call Number: Online & Floor 3 LB 3013 .C38 2010
ISBN: 9781551382517
Publication Date: 2010-02-01