Council of International Schools (CIS)
This global, non-profit membership community includes more than 1360 institutions representing 122 countries.
Center on International Education Benchmarking
"NCEE provides information about and analysis of the education systems in top-performing countries around the world". -- NCEE web site
International Education by Daniel Ness; Chia-Ling Lin
This encyclopedia is the most current and exhaustive reference available on international education. It provides thorough, up-to-date coverage of key topics, concepts, and issues, as well as in-depth studies of approximately 180 national educational systems throughout the world. Articles examine education broadly and at all levels--from primary grades through higher education, formal to informal education, country studies to global organizations.
Call Number: Online + Reference, Floor 2 Landing, LB 15 .I565 2013
ISBN: 9780765620491
Publication Date: 2013-02-26
Teacher as Traveler by Lash Defranc Cushner
The essence of this second edition, under the revised title Teacher as Traveler: Enhancing the Intercultural Development of Teachers and Students, is to examine the development of intercultural competence through various dimensions of student travel, study abroad and intercultural encounters. Cushner, who has traveled with students and teachers to all seven continents for more than 40 years, uses his firsthand experiences as the foundation to introduce essential concepts related to cross-cultural communication and intercultural interaction and to point out strategies educators can employ to enhance intercultural learning. This second edition reflects the considerable research that has occurred in recent years that has helped us better understand the impact and design of international travel experiences that have the potential to enhance intercultural development. In addition to updated research, the chapters examine new study abroad initiatives while looking closely at the critical role that guided teacher-led experience plays in facilitating intercultural growth and development.
Call Number: Online BUT there's a 3-user limit
ISBN: 9781475838237
Publication Date: 2018-09-30
Teaching in International Schools Overseas
From the U.S. Department of State, this site links to relevant organizations and information about international schools.