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Religious Studies & Theology


  • Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassike Compilation of works of major German language authors, including historical, philosophical, theological, political and art history texts. Collections of essays, speeches and other non-literary material add context and background material. Full-text (e-book collection).
  • Past Masters A collection of works, in both original language and English translation, written by seminal figures in the humanities and social sciences. Subjects covered include the history of political thought and theory, education, religious studies, economics, classics, history and philosophy of science, germanic studies and sociology. Full-text (e-book collection)
  • Find books using the library catalogue (Omni). One method to find relevant books is to select "subject heading" from the drop-down box. A few subject headings you may find useful: Christianity; Church; Jesus Christ; Christianity -- Doctrines; Bible, N.T.; Bible, N.T. -- Criticism, interpretations; Christianity and politics

Reference Books


  • 19th Century Masterfile
  • An online compilation of several indexes to periodical which were originally published prior to 1925.
  • ATLA
  • Produced by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA), covers topics such as Biblical studies, world religions, Church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. Indexes journal articles, essays, conferences, congresses and book reviews. Selective items in full text.
  • Religion Past & Present
  • Religion Past and Present (RPP) is the English version of the 4th edition of Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG), the highly respected, authoritative encyclopaedia of Christian theology, biblical studies and religious studies.

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

A Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
REF BV4488.W47 1984
Provides cross-references and bibliographies in the concise articles written by more than 150 contributors.
Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible DDD
REF BS680.G57D53 1999
"Discusses all the gods and demons whose names are found in the Bible."
Provides information about important places, people, themes, and doctrines of the Bible. Features a bibliography, biographies of Bible scholars, a conversion table of measures, weights, and values, a chronology of important dates in Biblical history, and historical maps.
A Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement
REF BX6.3.D53 2002t
This edition consists of about 700 entries written from the perspective of different areas of faith, dialogue, church and society, and national histories, reflecting changes in the movement after the Cold War and the challenges of increased globalization.
Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology: the Complete Sacramentum Verbi
REF BS440.B46713 1981
"An important work of Roman Catholic biblical scholarship, providing articles on theological significant words."
The Encyclopedia of Christianity
REF BR95.E8913 1999
This three volume set is the standard reference on Christianity.
Encyclopedia of Early Christianity
REF BR162.2.E53 1990t
"Covers persons, places, doctrines, practices, art, liturgy, heresies, and schisms from the time of Jesus to approximately 600 CE".
New Catholic Encyclopedia
REF BX841.N44 2003
"An international work of reference on the teachings, history, organization and activities of the Catholic Church, and on all institutions, religions, philosophies, and scientific and cultural developments affecting the Catholic Church from its beginning to the present". Includes bibliographies, some annotated.
A New Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship
REF BV173.D28 1986
"Provides introduction and clarification for general readers" to the topic of Christian worship with brief treatment of other religions. Includes references.
A New Dictionary of Theology
REF BR95.N38 1987
The signed articles which are "written from the point of view of the Roman Catholic Church" have see references and bibliographies.
The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology
REF BS622.N48 1983
Has "brief definitions of terms and concise signed articles on persons, places, deities relevant to the study of Biblical archaeology". Includes bibliographies.
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
REF BS2312.N48 1986t
This four volume set is a translation, with additions and revisions of Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament. It covers "New Testament terminology of theological importance." Material is arranged to "group related New Testament Greek terms under concepts arranged alphabetically by English word". Intended as a companion volume to The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. (Ref. BR95.D68 1978)
The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought
REF BR95.O94 2000
In contrast to The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, this volume focuses less on the facts of Christian history than on the movement of ideas among Christians.
Signed articles cover "key persons, places, events, concepts, institutions and realities of biblical times". Bibliographic citations included. Along with a short general bibliography at the end, maps and an index are included".
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
REF BR95.O8 1997
Considered to be the "authoritative, one-volume reference on the Christian Church". This third edition has new articles, rewritten and revised articles along with some of the articles from the second edition being retained.
Sacramentum Mundi: an Encyclopedia of Theology
REF BR95.S23
Includes signed articles of substantial length with bibliographies on the central themes of modern religious thought.
Signs and Symbols in Christian Art
REF N7830.F3 1961
Excellent for quick reference. Symbols are explained using direct language, line drawings and reproductions of works of art.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT)
REF PA881.K62
Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (TDOT)
REF BS440.B5713 1977
World Christian Encyclopedia
REF BR157.W67 2001
This two volume set is a comparative survey of churches and religions in the modern world.