The following tips are based on frequently-asked questions with the move to remote instruction. Please see the Copyright and Remote Instruction webpage for more guidance.
The Queen’s Fair Dealing Policy allows you to copy up to 10% of a copyright-protected literary work (e.g. scanned book chapters) without permission, or one chapter from a book or a single article from a periodical, whatever is greater. Use the Fair Dealing flowchart to determine if you can upload a work.
If your slide show includes third-party images and you do not have permission from the rights-holder, take the following steps before posting to OnQ:
Ensure that the excerpts used fall within the definition of "short excerpt" listed in the Queen's Fair Dealing Policy (available on the Queen's Fair Dealing Policy web page);
ALWAYS include a credit to the author and source of the figures, and;
Limit access to the site to students enrolled in your course using the learning management system.
The Queen’s Fair Dealing Policy allows you to copy up to 10% of a copyright-protected musical score or audiovisual work.
Follow the guidelines above that relate to the use of images and clips of music and videos.
Post your videos to Queen’s Streaming Server.
Linking to publicly available online content, including Youtube Videos is rarely a copyright issue.
Avoid linking to existing content that looks like copyright infringement.
You can also make a copy of works that you find on the web, as long as you meet the following criteria:
the material was posted legitimately (i.e. by the or with the consent of the Copyright owner);
there is no clearly visible notice prohibiting educational use of the content;
there is no technological protection measure preventing access to the material or preventing copying of the material (e.g. a presentation on a website like Prezi, a video on YouTube), and;
you have acknowledged the author & website.
Online consultations are available with Mark Swartz, Copyright Manager at