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World Indigenous Studies in Education (WISE)

Background Information

The International Encyclopedia of Education is a scholarly source that provides researchers with short, downloadable PDF files of well-informed and well-researched summaries of the key concepts in education. Cite these in your writing to define terms and describe conceptual frameworks. These academic entries will provide the context you need to interpret scholarly research articles. Reading a scholarly overview of new concepts will ultimately build and strengthen your understanding of any subject area.

Enter your NetID and password (if you are off-campus)Once the encyclopedia is open, you can browse by 3 different entry points: Table of contents, author index, or index OR you can search a key word to find all references to it in the encyclopedia.



Research handbooks in Education provide chapter-length introductions to aspects of educational research, from methodologies to topics in education.  The handbooks on research methodologies are excellent places to delve in to the nature and purpose of specific methodologies while the handbooks on topics in education are valuable pathways into the core literature of a field.  These chapters offer you an overview of the field, mentioning key studies and future directions.  If you can begin your research by reading a relevant chapter in a handbook and browsing the list of references attached to the chapter you will begin to immerse yourself in the context of your area of interest.

Many of the research handbooks are available online at Queen's, including the Sage Research Methods series.   You can search Sage Research Methods in the Advanced screen and limit to Education discipline specific results.