Main Menu
To begin working, you must either OPEN a new file, or EDIT an existing file.

- Use the File menu to save the readings in various formats.
- Use the Scan menu to select the scanner to use.
- Use the Tools menu to adjust various options for Kurzweil.
Main Toolbar
- Access frequently used functions including the reading controls.
Reading Toolbar
- Adjust the reading tools (from left to right): voice options, reading highlight options, reading unit, number of words per minute, zoom level and page number.

To set reading preferences:
- On the Reading toolbar, select the reading voice (position A)
- Select the reading mode (position B). Continuous requires the user to use the Pause Reading button.
- Select the amount of text for Kurzweil to highlight as it reads (position C). This determines the amount of text highlighted as the document is read.
- Select the reading speed (words per minute); controls are to the left of the box (position D)
- To go to a specific page in the document, use the page controls; controls are to the left of the box (position E)

To read the document:
- To begin, click inside an open document
- Place the flashing cursor where you would like to begin reading the document
- On the Main toolbar, click:
to Start Reading
to Pause Reading
to Re-read a previous section
to skip ahead to the next section
For more information regarding Kurzweil Terms of Use, please click here.