Search Omni: e.g. Kingston history penitentiary. Limit by year. Also try selecting Newspapers search under Resource Type. Limit to a span of years around the time you will set the play.
Stones Kingston: Offers lenses of different cultural communities through which to view the histories of Kingston.
Vintage Kingston: Facebok site to share photographs of the past, inlcuding people, the city, events, old ads, and newspaper articles.
Kingston Picture Collection: compiled by Queen's Archives.
Dramaturgs make the world of a play come alive by studying its literary and performance context. They unravel the work's social, political, cultural, and historical background through intensive research. Here are some search tips in the investigative process.
Diversity, inclusion, and representation in contemporary dramaturgy : case studies from the field : 2020. Online
The dramaturgy of space: PN1669.C5 G7513 2022
The art of dramaturgy: 2021. Online
A concise introduction to dramaturgy: 2022. Online
Curating dramaturgies : how dramaturgy and curating are intersecting in the contemporary arts: 2021. Online
New dramaturgies : strategies and exercises for 21st century playwriting: 2020. Online
Decolonizing the theatre space: 2024 Online
Ghost light : an introductory handbook for dramaturgy: 2023. Online
Theatre and dramaturgy. 2023. Online
Explore the series of online toolkits that support all aspects of stage production in the library's O'Reilly Database. Examples are listed under Playwriting and Production.