If you need to find titles of specific types of plays, such as a one-act play for high school, try these online tools:
Drama Online: playtext content and live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays.Queen’s Library currently subscribes to Globe on Screen 1 & 2; Nick Hern Books; National Theatre Collection; Playwrights Canada Press; Royal Shakespeare Company Live Collection
Playwrights Canada Press (170+ plays from Canadian playwrights) Indigenous Canadian Playwrights
Playwrights Guild of Canada : Information about Canada's playwrights.
Black Playwrights: Descriptions and roles.
LGBTQl2S: Canadian playwrights
Canadian Play Outlet: offers curated collections e.g. Black playwrights, audition pieces, historical plays by women
Coach House Book: newly published plays including description and reviews.
Studio 58 Database of Diverse Plays and Playwrights includes plays by women, LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and diverse cultural backgrounds (self-defined by the writers). One section dedicated to Canadian writers
Theatre Online Master List: on the Canadian Theatre Educator's site. Includes links to over 900 productions available online as audio dramas, filmed productions, or recordings of online pieces. Includes section highlighting online plays featuring BIPOC artists.