A game-changing resource for educators looking to elevate their unit and lesson plans, increase student engagement, and improve home-school communication.
This edited volume brings together a group of international researchers and theorists from various intellectual and analytic traditions to explore the role uncertainty plays in creativity, learning, and development.
This thoughtful guide offers authentic, meaningful, and purposeful activities that will lead students to share their thinking, and to support and mentor each other emotionally, socially, and academically. It explores numerous ways to create opportunities for shared learning, mentoring partnerships, and expanding student horizons.
Advances in Accounting Education(AAE) is a high-quality publication of both empirical and non-empirical research that investigates vital matters within teaching, learning, and curriculum development.
This collection, edited and written by the leading scholars and experts of innovation and maker education in Finland, introduces invention pedagogy, a research-based Finnish approach for teaching and learning through multidisciplinary, creative design and making processes in formal school settings.
This book maps out the pedagogical implications of the global spread and diversification of pluricentric languages for language education and showcases new approaches that can take account of linguistic diversity.