Queen's University Library licenses thousands of journals and ebooks for educators and other professionals. This guide will lead you to those online sources.
You are welcome to contact me, your GDE-PME Librarian, by email for assistance in locating the information you need: shelley.woods@queensu.ca .
We can work together by email or Zoom -- whatever you prefer. If you want to meet via Zoom just email me and I'll send you a meeting link.
I look forward to supporting your learning!
For access to online journals, ebooks, and other resources licensed by Queen's University Library, log in to the Queen's Proxy Service using your Queen's netID and password.
If you are on a Queen's web page or in your OnQ course when you click a link to a licensed resource you should be automatically prompted for your Queen's netID and password. If you are not, try logging in to this Proxy Service and put the link you were trying to access into the Go to URL box.
If you want to search Google Scholar, be sure to either access Google Scholar from this guide, OR log in to the Proxy Service before going to Google Scholar. This will ensure that you have access to Queen's-licensed resources that appear in your Google Scholar search results.
Problems? Questions? Email me at shelley.woods@queensu.ca and we'll determine if Queen's has access to the item you need. Even if we do not have immediate access, journal articles are available by using our free Interlibrary Loans service.