With over 2000 titles, Education Source from EBSCO is the world's largest collection of full-text education journals. It includes both professional titles of interest to teachers and scholarly research journals that report on studies in the field of educational research.
Education Resource Information Centre (ERIC)
This version of ERIC on the EBSCO platform offers features not available in the open access web version that follow. Queen's researchers should prefer this version because the citations link to our licensed full text articles.
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) (Open access version)
ERIC is a database of citations with abstracts related to teaching and research in education, complemented by links to more than 200,000 full-text non-journal documents. Coverage includes: journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers and other education-related materials.
Canadian Business & Current Affairs
Content from many Canadian journals is discoverable in Education Source but if you are doing a comprehensive search Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) database from ProQuest should also be searched. CBCA is a multi-disciplinary database that includes indexing for over 900 Canadian publications and ongoing full text for over 300 titles.
Google Scholar searches a subset of scholarly materials including academic peer-reviewed journal articles, books, chapter, conference proceedings, research and technical reports, and dissertations and theses. Google Scholar claims to "... rank documents the way researchers do, weighing the full text of each document, where it was published, who it was written by, as well as how often and how recently it has been cited in other scholarly literature." (About Google Scholar)
How can I get Queen's holdings to link to Google Scholar search results?
Access Google Scholar from any of the links provided on a Queen's Library web page, or log in to the Queen's Proxy Service before you go to Google Scholar. Your search results should then include the Get It@ Queen's links that will lead you to the resources Queen's subscribes to. Questions? Just email for assistance.
Follow the steps illustrated below of a search on the concept "assessment for learning".
Operator |
Example |
quotation marks for phrases | "reading comprehension" "high school" |
OR in capitals for synonyms | secondary OR "high school" |
intitle:to limit words to the title of the article | intitle:"assessment for learning" |
limit by date using timeline on left | Since 2016 |
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