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Music Theatre

Music Theatre

Search Examples for Music Theatre

Basic search is the default. Enter keywords and choose the scope (Queen's or Queen's + Omni Libraries). Use Boolean operators: AND, OR or NOT, in uppercase and quotations around phrases(e.g. sondheim OR "lloyd webber"). 

Use Advanced searching to limit searches by Author, Title, Subject,  Call number, or Language. 

Use AND to tell the database that ALL search terms must be present in results. Narrows your search results  musicals AND race
Use OR between words for synonyms. Broadens your search results music AND (theater OR theatre OR drama)
Use NOT to exclude terms musicals AND broadway NOT hollywood
Use quotation marks around phrases "west side story"
? for single character wildcard (useful for variable spellings) wom?n (for woman, women)
* for truncation (multiple character wildcard). Useful for variant endings of a root word. "music theat*" (for different spellings)
brackets to group terms (nested searching) opera AND (inuit OR "first nations" OR metis OR indigenous)

Journal Search

Use  "Journal Search"   in the top ribbon to locate specific titles.

In the relevant record in your search results, click on the title of the journal. From there you can access the full text (if the journal is online) and also search inside for articles within the journal, directly from the record:

search for articles within this journal

Sign In

In the right hand corner of Omni,  you will see the option to sign in. Signing in optimizes your search so you can Pin items into a Favourites folder,  check loans and requests, renew materials, access full text, view search history, and create alerts. 

Search Scopes

Omni provides you with three different content collections to search:

  1. Default: Queen's + Omni Libraries: adds the physical holdings* of our partner university libraries
  2. Queen's: physical and online resources at Queen's
  3. Add results beyond Queen's collection: Accessed when you select this option under Modify your results. "Beyond" refers to a vast collection of electronic resources contained in the Omni vendor database

New Features

Related Reading

Starting from an article of interest, related reading provides other relevant articles for the same topic. 

(To enlarge this image, please right-select the image and open it in a New Tab)

Virtual Browse

Discover other books at Queen's on the same topic by browsing a virtual book shelf. Available in Omni records for print monographs, scroll to the bottom of the book's record to discover other print monographs that would be shelved with the item.

(To enlarge this image, please right-select the image and open it in a New Tab)