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Primary Junior Arts: Music Teacher Resources

This library guide provides Queen's teacher candidates with recommended resources for teaching music and for integrating music into primary junior classrooms.

Ontario Music Educators' Association

OMEA logo

The Ontario Music Educators' Association offers teachers lesson ideas and much more on their web site.

The OMEA now offers teacher candidates FREE membership!  Take advantage of this generous offer of access to high quality music lessons and teaching ideas. To register for your FREE membership go to the OMEA Membership site.

naxos logo


Your Ontario school board may provide access to the NAXOS Music Library and your Queen's access will last until you leave Queen's.

Use your Queen's NetID and password to access the database.

The OMEA has created an outstanding playlist for you in the NAXOS Music Library that will save you time finding appropriate music for teaching the Ontario Music curriculum, Grades 1 to 12. Follow RESOURCES  - NORTH AMERICA. An increasing number of links seem to be broken but there remains value if you have time to browse and plan.

The Recorder


OMEA's professional magazine for teachers is The Recorder. Queen's subscribes to this magazine and received the print edition. A digital format is mailed to individual members.

Ontario Ministry of Education

Learning Through the Arts  - Music [video series]. 2009/10.
A Ministry of Education & Curriculum Services Canada project to share exemplar lessons for teaching the arts in Ontario PJ classrooms.
The music videos are available on YouTube from Learnography. A viewer's guide is available on the Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators (CODE) web site.

Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators

 Teacher candidates, take advantage of the wonderful offer of a free 2 year membership from the Council of Ontario Drama and Dance Educators (CODE).  Lesson plans crafted by Ontario drama and dance specialists are available to members on the site. Joining this productive and supportive Ontario teacher association is highly recommended.

Ontario Physical Education & Health Education Assn. (OPHEA)

ophea logo OPHEA provides teachers with support for teaching the Ontario Physical Education and Health curriculum, grades K to 12. Lesson plans for movement activities and dance can often connect with expectations in the Music curriculum in the Arts.

Lesson Plan Books in the Library

Open Educational Resources

OER Commons

Open education resources, including lesson plans, for teachers.  Modify and adapt the lesson plans to connect with the curriculum.

Music Play Online

 MusicPlay Online is available to Queen's teacher candidates!

Faculty of Education students, staff, and faculty: your access information is on the Passwords for Licensed Resources page of our Education Guide.

The MusicPlay binders and CDs are in our Teacher Resource Room Kit collection at MT930, and we have many of the other Themes & Variations materials in Teaching Collection on Floor 2.  Just ask if you would like recommendations about where to start your lesson planning in music or if you need assistance finding the logon information.

Kennedy Center

From the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., lesson plans prepared by Arts educators and funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Open access. Includes comprehensive curriculum units and lesson plans for K to 12.

Smithsonian Folkways

smithsonian folkways logo


The Smithsonian Folkways site includes recordings and lesson plans.  This is a fabulous site for world music ideas.

Carnegie Hall Music Educators Toolbox

Primary & Junior Arts from ETFO