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LibGuides 2 Training at QUL

This is a Guide to the use of LibGuides at Queen's University. It is 'in progress' at the moment and will continue to be built upon by the LibGuides Implementation Group.

Redirect Guides

A redirect guide is a guide that simply redirect to another page. For guides that are still active in Drupal 5, we need to create redirect guides. The reason for this is that we want to use the dynamic features of LG2 and therefore need to have an active LibGuide for every guide.

Please see the Springshare instructions on setting a Redirect URL.

What About the Friendly URL?

You should always use the "real" URL for the active guide so that users can bookmark the guide and so the correct URL will be indexed by search engines. For the development version of the guide, you should still set up a friendly URL so that you don't need to do it all at once when you are ready to launch the guide. adding a "-dev" to the end of the friendly URL is a good choice. Here's an example:

I want to create a guide about Other Library Catalogues, but still need to refer to the current Drupal guide until my new guide is ready.

Step 1: Create a Redirect Guide point to the Drupal guide and use the friendly URL "other-library-catalogues". Publish this guide.

Step 2: Create my new guide about this topic but use the friendly URL ""other-library-catalogues-dev". Leave this guide unpublished.

Step 3: When I'm ready to launch my new guide, delete the Redirect Guide. Next edit my "dev" guide to change the friendly URL to "other-library-catalogues" and publish it.