January 6 - February 14
Monday to Thursday, 8 am - 7 pm; Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday Closed, Sunday 12:30 pm - 5pm
Beginning March 10, the main accessible entrance to the Faculty of Education will be closed. The North entrance to the B-Wing (the rear entrance to Duncan McArthur Hall) will remain open and is accessible. Please see the construction updates for a map, as well as more information.
To print, scan, copy, or add credit to your PaperCut account, please consult: Printing at the Library.
The Education Library offers you:
See our Tools for Teachers Guide for more information and connections to the curriculum.
1. Find the title in Omni. 2. Sign in to Omni with your Queen's netID and password 3. Select Request for Scan. You will receive a downloadable pdf via email.
1. Find the title in Omni. 2. Sign in to Omni with your Queen's netID and password 3. Select Request for Pickup. 4. Select the Institution and the library at that university where you would like to pick it up. You will be notified when it arrives.
Faculty, email library.reserves@queensu.ca to request that your reading lists be added to your courses in OnQ. Includes links to articles, ebooks, online video, and copyright-compliant scans of print.
Teacher library cards are offered to local teachers free of charge. View our Services for Teachers digital brochure to learn how the Queen's Education Library can support your teaching with our services and collections.
With your Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) card you are eligible to use the print and online resources from the Ontario College of Teachers Margaret Wilson Library. Learn more here.
Public libraries support teachers and K-12 classrooms! Register online for your Kingston Frontenac Public Library now!
Alumni have access to a selection of e-resources including open access content in our Teacher Guides and Omni, and to the databases listed here. If your former Queen's netID is no longer active, go to the Alumni Perks information to activate it.
QueensU-Guest wifi access is available to library vistors for 24 hours.
Component 4, Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning, of the School Effectiveness Framework (2013) provides details about the depth of attention effective teachers pay to the selection of resources to support student learning in their classrooms. The goal is always to reach every student.
from page 2, School Effectiveness Framework (2013)
from page 31, School Effectiveness Framework (2013).
from page 32, School Effectiveness Framework (2013).