To locate all works (books, articles, mutlimedia) by a specific author, you can use the following strategies.
- Advanced search: select the Author filter, All items as Resource Type (articles, books, chapters, multimedia), and Queen's for items to which we have library access.
e.g. Last name first name with initials if applicable e.g. franklin ursula m" should give you all the combinations of franklin ursula m and franklin ursula martius.

e.g. To search for works by bell hooks beyond Queens, select Queen's plus Omni Libraries. This extends the search to the other Ontario academic libraries using the same search system thereby widening search scope to materials that may be requested through interlibrary loan.

e.g. To search for works by a corporate author, combine a search using a standard name and an organization's abbreviation or initials.

- Use Browse in the top banner with last name followed by first name or initial for a list of authors of books and multimedia. This will not identify articles written by an author but you will be able to distinguish authors with similar names.