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Note: If you sort by Date-newest, you lose the relevance ranking.
Resource Types are listed by frequency according to your current search and include: articles, audiovisual, books & ebooks, book chapters, conference proceedings, data sets, images, maps, newspapers, scores, reference entries (as from an encyclopedia or handbook), reviews, technical reports, theses & dissertations, and videos.
Move the cursor to the left of a resource type and click the box to select it. Move the cursor to the right and click the red check mark to exclude it.
Finding Newspapers
To search a specific newspaper, choose "Journal Search" from the top banner, type the exact title, then "Search inside" to retrieve topical articles within that single newspaper.
Alternatively, perform a new search, then click "Newspapers search" at the foot of the Resource Type listings. This locates topical news articles within many newspapers.
For historical newspapers, consult the comprehensive Newspapers guide.
Input a specific date range and select "Refine".
Omni uses a combination of Library of Congress and medical subject headings and subject tags from article databases. Search results can be narrowed through selection or exclusion of multiple subject headings.
Click to the left of a heading to select it. Click to the right to exclude it.
Includes principal authors, corporations, and government agencies such as the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Wildlife Service.
The Queen's Library tab shows where items are physically located. Queen's Location identifies the collections in which the items are shelved within a library. When a record is opened, you can select "Locate" to display the floor plan showing where the item is shelved.