There are currently ten citation styles to choose from:
- APA (7th ed)
- ASA (6th ed)
- ACS (American Chemical Society): new online edition coming January 2020
- Chicago/Turabian (16th ed)
- Harvard
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
- Law: Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (aka McGill Guide), 7th edition.
- MLA ( 8th ed)
- Vancouver Style/ICMJE
Within a record, click the 3 dots for citation style and management options.
Then click "Citation" to view the 10 possible citation styles in Omni.

The citation management options are:
- Export BibTeX: reference management software for formatting lists of references; typically used together with the LaTeX document preparation system; used in physics, computing, mathematics, and engineering.
- Export RIS: An RIS file is a bibliographic citation file saved in a format developed by Research Information Systems (RIS). This can be imported into citation managers such as Zotero and EndNote.
- EndNote: Queen’s has a subscription to EndNote, a research and reference manager.
Refer to Citing and Citation Managers for which citation tool to use.
To send groups of citations to a citation manager, see Pin Sources in My Favourites.