Omni can search three different domains: 
- Queen's (physical and online resources)
- Queen's + Omni Libraries (default): adds physical holdings of the 18 partner university libraries
- Add results beyond: vast academic e-resources provided through the vendor's database. Includes journals, articles, ebooks, reviews, legal documents, technical reports, conference proceedings, and research data sets.
Basic Search Tips
Apply Boolean operators to focus results:
- AND is assumed between words (AND must be in capitals) e.g. happiness (AND) productivity
- Quotations for phases e.g. "genetically modified foods"; "inclusive classroom"
- OR between related words (OR must be in capitals) e.g. habitat OR ecosystem
- NOT to exclude terms (NOT must be in capitals) e.g. corona NOT virus
- Asterisk for alternate word endings e.g. cultur* for culture, cultural, and culturally
- Question mark for single character wildcard e.g. wom?n for woman, women
- Brackets to group terms e.g. "climate change" (ecosystem* OR habitat*) Ontario
- Automatic search expansion includes additional terms e.g. ADHD returns "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"; heart attack returns "myocardial infarction"