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Primary Junior Indigenous Education Resources

Resources for K-6 teachers.

Education Databases

These databases are good starting points for uncovering journal literature on Indigenous topics.  Use your Queen's netID and password to log in when prompted.

Education Source (EBSCOhost)

With over 2000 titles, Education Source from EBSCO is the world's largest collection of full-text education journals. It includes both professional titles of interest to teachers and scholarly research journals that report on studies in the field of educational research. 

Professonal journals for teachers included in this collection:

Scholarly journals in this collection include:

Search example:

education source search

Search:  science in TI Title

AND indigen* or aboriginal or native  in TI Title

AND primary or elementary in Select a Field (searches in Title, Subjects, Keywords, Abstract)

search science & children only

As you discover the best journals for your teaching you can search for a topic in a specific journal.

For example, Science & Children is an outstanding journal for finding classroom science activities. Search within just that journal like this:

Science & Children   in SO Journal Name

AND indigen* or aboriginal or native  in SELECT A FIELD

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center via EBSCOhost

This version of ERIC on the EBSCO platform offers features not available in the open access web version. 

Queen's researchers should prefer this version because the citations link to our licensed full text articles.


ERIC: Education Resources Information Center Open access version

ERIC is a database of citations with abstracts related to teaching and research in education, complemented by links to more than 200,000 full-text non-journal documents. Coverage includes: journal articles, books, research syntheses, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers and other education-related materials.

Canadian Business & Current Affairs

Content from many Canadian journals is discoverable in Education Source but if you are doing a comprehensive search Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) database from ProQuest should also be searched. CBCA is a multi-disciplinary database that includes indexing for over 900 Canadian publications and ongoing full text for over 300 titles. 

Scholarly journals in this collection include:

Mutidisciplinary Databases

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete is a multi-disciplinary database that includes content in the field of education and related areas. It is provided by EBSCO, so offers our researchers the same platform as our Education Source and ERIC databases are offered on. Coverage includes peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, and selected monographs.

Google Scholar

Be sure to search Google Scholar starting from a Queen's Library link so you are asked to log in with your Queen's NetID.  This will ensure you have access to the Queen's content we have licensed / purchased for you.

Follow the steps illustrated below of a search on the concept "assessment for learning".



Google Scholar Search Tips
quotation marks for phrases "reading comprehension" 
OR in capitals for synonyms "grades K-6" OR "elementary school"
intitle:to limit words to the title of the article intitle:"assessment for learning"
limit by date using timeline on left Since 2016


  • If you come across a great article, paste the title of the article into Google Scholar as a phrase, and click "Cited by" to see who else has cited the paper. Also try "Related articles".


Search strategy to find lesson plans for Grade 2 Social Studies:

"changing family and community traditions" filetype:pdf

Search strategy to find lesson plans on plants for Grade 3 Science:

intitle:plants ontario "grade 3" filetype:pdf

google search exampleSearch strategy to explore broadly what is available about Indigenous ways of knowing:

intitle:"Indigenous ways of knowing"

Other Education-Related Databases


Produced by the American Psychological Association, PsycINFO indexes journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, and technical reports published internationally. Includes cited references.  Search on APA PsycNET or via OVID.

Finding Indigenous Authors

The University of British Columbia Library Catalog can be searched using the following keyword search: "First nations author" education (or a more specific keyword that describes your topic).

Note: Remember that Queen's University Library may not have the materials that you find. You will need to search Omni in order to know whether the books and other materials are available at Queen's.


The following is a selected list of scholarly journals where many of the articles are written by Indigenous authors. Look for the author affiliation or other information about the authors in the specific article that you are interested in.

Canadian Journal of Native Studies
A highly recognized journal in the field publishing peer reviewed original research.

Native Studies Review
Original scholarly research on issues from Aboriginal perspectives in contemporary & historical contexts.  Published by the University of Saskatchewan.

International Indigenous Policy Journal
IIPJ is a peer-reviewed, policy-relevant research journal addressing issues pertaining to Indigenous Peoples throughout the world with the goals to promote evidence based policy making, to encourage quality research based on partnerships with Indigenous Peoples, to develop networks of policy researchers and policy makers, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, to improve scholarship related to Indigenous issues, and, to spark debate on important policy issues facing Indigenous Peoples around the world. Published at Western University.

Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association
Participates in the process of framing, deploying, and otherwise critically challenging the local and global contours of Indigenous studies

The International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies
Disseminates scholarship across the Humanities, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Law and Education in the field of Indigenous Studies. Indigenous scholars from around the world share common experiences of colonization.

International Journal of Indigenous Health
Published by the Aboriginal Health Research Networks Secretariat (AHRNetS) at the University of Victoria, this peer-reviewed open-access journal was established to advance knowledge and understanding to improve Indigenous health. The journal seeks to bring knowledge from diverse intellectual traditions together with a focus on culturally diverse Indigenous voices, methodologies and epistemology.

Wecazo Sa Review
Provides inquiries into the Indigenous past and its relationship to the present. Its aim is to become an interdisciplinary instrument to assist Indigenous peoples of the Americas in taking possession of their own intellectual and creative pursuits.

AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples
An internationally peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published continuously online as well as in quarterly print issues. AlterNative publishes scholarly research on Indigenous worldviews and experiences of decolonization from Indigenous perspectives from around the world

Journals @ Queen's


American Indian Culture and Research Journal

Comparative Education

First Nations Perspectives

First Peoples Child & Family Review

International Indigenous Journal of Entrepreneurship, Advancement, Strategy, & Education

Inuit Studies

Journal of American Indian Education

Windspeaker Online