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Primary Junior Social Studies Teacher Resources

Here you will find teacher and classroom resources to support The Ontario Curriculum: Social Studies, Grades 1 to 6 (2018).

Grade 4 Lesson Plans

Political and Physical Regions of Canada

Here you will find lesson plans written specifically for the Ontario Social Studies Curriculum, Grade 4, Strand B, People and Environments: Political and Physical Regions of Canada.

Click the links on the left sidebar to connect to more recommended resources for this strand:

  • Children's fiction
  • Children's information books
  • Online video
  • Web sites that support the learning in this unit

Nelson Social Studies

Nelson Catholic Social Studies

Indigenous Content

Lesson Plans

Literacy/Social Studies

OESSTA Recommendations

Resource suggestions for Grade 4, Political and Physical Regions of Canada

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From the Ontario Elementary Social Studies Teacher Association (OESSTA).

Open Educational Resources

OER Commons

Open education resources, including lesson plans, for teachers.  Modify and adapt the lesson plans to connect with the curriculum.