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Intermediate Senior Geography


Grades 11 and 12: Canadian and World Studies, 2015

Grade 11:
Regional Geography (CGD3M)
Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters (CGF3M)
Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective (CGG3O)
Introduction to Spatial Technologies (CGT3O)

Print copies are also available at the Education Library: Min of Ed F1025 .O582 2015 


Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools
A PDF containing information to help teachers complete report cards. It also contains information for parents, which will help them understand the reporting process. Covers grades 1 to 12. 

Other Resources

Exploring Canada's Energy Future: A Lesson Plan For Canadian Geography and Science Classes, Grades 9 through 11. 

This guide has been created to support teachers in using the Exploring Canada's Energy Future Interactive Tool with their students available at