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Intermediate Senior Geography

Lesson Plans

Canadian Geographic: Educator Resources, Grade 12
From Canadian Geographic, this webpage includes lesson plans on many topics, such as energy and natural resources, climate change and environment, regional geography, and geographic skills. Lesson plans can be filtered by grade and topic.

An Introduction to Teaching Environmental Racism
A teachers guide to environmental racism. Answers the questions: what is environmental racism, who does it affect, and why is it important to teach?

Teach with GIS
This webpage contains lesson plans, websites, and other resources for using mapping and location analytics. There are resources for locations all over the world, not just North America. Content can be narrowed by geographic region, level, and subject.

Who is Allowed into the EU?
Written specifically for this course by Carleton University's Centre for European Studies, this lesson plan will help students gain an understanding of admissions requirements for the EU. The corresponding teacher's guide can be found here.

Other Resources

The True Size
Search and compare the true size of countries.

Resources in the Education Library