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Intermediate Senior Geography

Lesson Plans

Canadian Geographic: Educator Resources, Grade 9
From Canadian Geographic, this webpage includes lesson plans on many topics, such as energy and natural resources, climate change and environment, regional geography, and geographic skills. Lesson plans can be filtered by grade and topic.

An Introduction to Teaching Environmental Racism
A teachers guide to environmental racism. Answers the questions: what is environmental racism, who does it affect, and why is it important to teach?

Aboriginal Issues in Canada
From OSSTF, this unit (created for CGC1D) discusses a broad range of issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada, both under British rule and under modern day government. 

Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population
From the Critical Thinking Consortium and Statistics Canada, this lesson plan discusses the growing senior population in Canada, and the challenges this presents.

Exploring Canada's Energy Future: A Lesson Plan for Canadian Geography and Science Classes, grades 9 through 11. 

This guide has been created to support teachers in using the Exploring Canada's Energy Future Interactive Tool with their students available at

Other Resources

TVO Learn
Designed by education professionals, these courses are intended for student-directed learning at home, but contain many resources that may still be useful in the classroom.
Materials for CGC1D
Materials for CGC1P

Google Earth

Google Earth • Google Earth Education 

Use Google Earth to

  • Study natural and political maps
  • Learn map reading and navigation
  • Visually explore historical, news, and census data
  • Promote global and environmental awareness


Resources in the Education Library