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Primary Junior Science & Technology Teacher Resources

Classroom and teacher resources for 1-6.

Growth and Changes in Animals

Grade 2: Understanding Life Systems

Hands-On Kits

Growth and Changes in Animals Science Kit.

Call Number: TBD

Covers the following:

Strand A: STEM Skills and Connections

Strand B: Growth and Changes in Animals

In this kit, students investigate the physical characteristics of animals, and how they grow and change through their lives. Animal locomotion will be explored, as well as the effects that animals have on human society, and vice versa. This kit provides materials for five activities. 

Lesson Plans

Animal Diversity from AAAS ScienceNetLinks

This lesson guides students through an exploration of animal differences, similarities, and environmental adaptations.

Animal Adaptations from PBS LearningMedia

Teaching tips for teaching animal adaptations with PBS games and video clips. There are clips of teachers demonstrating how to teach certain concepts.

Black Bear Ecology from the Ministry of Natural Resources

A guide that focuses on black bears.  Five lesson plans are included with worksheets and discussion questions.

Celebrating Winter: Animals from PBS Learning Media

A collection of lessons based on the life of various animals during the winter.

Online Video

Vertebrate Animals for Kids

video thumbnail

"A video that covers all the traits of mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Various examples of each animal group are included, as well as fun facts about each group."

Web Sites

Hands-On Kits

Science Models: Life Cycle of a Frog

Teacher Resource Room, Floor 1, QL 668 .E2 B66 2002.  Includes foam pieces of the model, English and French notes, and an activity card.  You can also check out Science Models: Life Cycle of a Butterfly.

Bear on the Train

Teacher Resource Room, Floor 1, PS 8573.A916 B42 1999.  Story kit. Includes the book by Julie Lawson, 1 activity card, 1 bear mask. In a plastic bag.

Amazing Worlds: Mammals

Teacher Resource Room, Floor 1, QL 706.2 .M36 1993.  Includes books, teacher guides, magazines, folders, and posters.  You can also check out Amazing Worlds: Birds, Amazing Worlds: Insects, and Amazing Worlds: Amphibians, Reptiles, & Fish.

Habitats & Hibernation

Information Books


Animal Life Cycle

Animal Characteristics