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Primary Junior Science & Technology Teacher Resources

Classroom and teacher resources for 1-6.

Habitats and Communities

Grade 4: Understanding Life Systems

Hands-On Kits

Habitats and Communities Science Kit.

Call Number: TBD

Covers the following:

Strand A: STEM Skills and Connections

Strand B: Habitats and Communities

This kit describes to students both habitats and communities, including relationships and interactions that occur in communities. Human impact on habitats and communities - both positive and negative - are covered through this kit. Food chains will  be explored, and students will learn about producers, consumers, and decomposers. This kit provides materials for six activities.

Lesson Plans

A sample lesson, "How Do Plants and Animals Adapt to Survive in Their Environment", is available on the Portage & Main web site.

Introducing Biodiversity from AAAS ScienceNetLinks

"In this lesson, students identify the basic components necessary for biodiversity, the critical and countless benefits of habitats, as well as the serious present and future threats to their ongoing existence."

Black Bear Ecology from the Ministry of Natural Resources

A guide that focuses on black bears.  Five lesson plans are included with worksheets and discussion questions.

Teacher's Guides from PBS NatureWorks

Teacher guides that cover topics such as migration, adaptation, different animal communities, etc. Each topic has a related episode, pre- and post-viewing activities, additional resources, and a hands-on component.

Habitats and Communities Activities from STAO

Teacher resources for this grade 4 unit. Three part lesson plans, additional resources, and rubrics included.

Online Video

What is a Food Chain?

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"This video classifies organisms and other living things according to their role in a food chain (e.g. producer, consumer, decomposer). This video also goes over what omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores are and what they eat."

Wild in the City

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"This short documentary films some of the wild animal species that have adapted to the city of Vancouver, from the familiar pigeons and starlings to the less familiar herons nesting in Stanley Park and a coyote in a farmer's field. This documentary also shows how humans have impacted various animals."

Information Books

Fiction & Poetry