Grade 4: Understanding Structures & Mechanisms
Machines and Their Mechanisms Science Kit.
Call Number: TBD
Covers the following:
Strand A: STEM Skills and Connections
Strand D: Machines and Their Mechanisms
Students learn about machines used in daily life. By exploring gears and pulleys, students will learn about the different ways in which mechanisms transform motion, including changing either the direction or speed of motion. This kit provides materials for five activities.
Pulleys and Gears from Mad Science
A package of some activities to do with your class involving pulleys and gears. At the end of this resource are cross-curricular lesson ideas and recommended books related to the topic.
"This video explores gear tables and uses the appropriate terminology to label the gears and well as do some gear up and gear down demonstrations."
Teacher Resource Room, Floor 1, TJ 147 .P85 2018. Includes 6 books and a variety of materials such as assorted sizes and types of pulleys and gears, spring scales, hand drills, etc., to enable students to complete the design tasks.