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Primary Junior Science & Technology Teacher Resources

Classroom and teacher resources for 1-6.

Strong and Stable Structures

Grade 3: Understanding Structures & Mechanisms

Hands-On Kits

Strong and Stable Structures Science Kit.

Call Number: TBD

Covers the following:

Strand A: STEM Skills and Connections

Strand D: Strong and Stable Structures 

Through this kit, students will explore both structures, and the materials that they are constructed with. Students learn first-hand about the strength of building materials through multiple activities, and are given the opportunity to construct various structures. Also included and incorporated into this kit is an unit plan which constructs the learning objectives for this strand around an indigenous perspective and story. Teachers are encouraged to bring various building materials as needed for specific activities, such as marshmallows or a larger collection of LEGO bricks. This kit provides materials for five activities. 

Lesson Plans

Plankton & Tube's Amazing Science Adventures: Structures - Man-Made and Found in Nature

A teacher guide by McIntyre Media.  Accompanying DVD can be found on the first floor Teacher Resource Room, QC 21.3 .P53 2012 DVD pt.002.

Strong and Stable Structures from Aboriginal Access to Education

This unit covers the Understanding Structures and Mechanisms strand of Grade 3 Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum, Strong and Stable Structures, through use of culturally representative Indigenous stories and learning materials.

Structures Around the World from Exploratorium

Building activities that students can complete to explore the different building concepts needed to create a stable structure and the importance of the right materials.

Information Books
