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Intermediate Senior History



The project offers classroom-tested environmental justice lessons, a climate crisis timeline, other teaching resources, workshops, and a sample school board climate justice resolution. Includes lessons and recommended materials. Send them your teaching stories, and spread the word on social media (#TeachClimateJustice).

(From the website): "Our timeline traces its roots from European colonial expansion and racial capitalism to present-day fossil fuel industry and government projects that exploit and destroy the Earth in the name of maximum profit. It also emphasizes moments and movements of resistance and activism that inform climate justice work today.” 

Interconnected lesson plans about humankind's impact on the Earth.

  • SSHEAN (Social Studies & History Education in the Anthropocene Network - Teaching Resources for the Anthropocene)

Pre-made lesson plans, slideshows, activities, and more on the history of the Anthropocene.

The Swamp Ward and Inner Harbour History Project documents the history of two of the oldest areas of Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 

Similar to the Swamp Ward and Inner Harbour History Project, the Belle Park Project.  From the website: A wetland for thousands of years, the space now called Belle Park in Ka'tarohkwi (Kingston, Ontario) was used as a landfill from 1954-1974, and converted to a golf course that operated until 2017. At its entrance stands an unmarked totem pole carved by Indigenous inmates at the Joyceville penitentiary in 1973, and the park’s peninsula ends with a bridge leading to Belle Island, a known location of Indigenous remains. The park and island are surrounded by wetlands and the Cataraqui River.

Books at the Education Library